Friday, October 30, 2015

How to be a cat lady...

First, you must buy a kitten, buying them at a young age increases the probability of obsession.
Second, you must put a lot of thought into the name given them, perhaps name them after ex's or long dead ancestors.
Third, ponder on the style of clothes your cat may wear, also considering what color would most compliment their fur and eye hues.
Fourth, toys are encouraged.
Fifth, your cat will claim a spot in every room of your house so you must provide a bed or other things for them to have in that spot.
Sixth, be aware that cats often shed. You must collect this fur and put it in a safe place, in a plastic bag for example.
Seventh, the reason for step six is so that you may put it in your "kitty scrap book" this will be a bonding tool for when your kitten reaches it's teens.
Eighth, come up with multiple nick-names for your cat such as, my precious, goddess divine, my pearl, fluffy face, baby, sweet girl, big boy, little boy cat, etc.
Ninth, make all of the rooms in your house cat themed and buy whatever cheep cat decorative things that can be found on amazon.
Tenth, talk only of cats.
Eleventh, give your cats a face book page and post every day.
Twelfth, get a job as a cat sitter.
Thirteenth, buy your cats a stroller so that you can take walks in the park.
Fourteenth, remember to buy one more cat after completing each of the previous steps.
And finally, Paws for dramatic effect, in your will you must leave all your worldly possessions to your cats.  
Image result for crazy cat lady starter kit

Saturday, October 24, 2015

i am afraid.

i really hate to admit it, but i'm afraid.

i am afraid of never reaching my full potential.
I am afraid of disappointing my Father.
i am afraid of hard things.
i am afraid of easy things.
i am afraid of my own weaknesses.
i am so terrified that i will get kidnapped. (hence the reason why i insist on locking all the doors myself before bed.)
i am afraid of not being good enough.
i am afraid of learning that i cannot learn.
i am afraid of losing anyone i care about.
i am afraid of hurting those i love.
i am afraid of being selfish.
i am afraid of getting cancer.
i am afraid of never becoming an author.
i am afraid of endings.
i am afraid of caring too much.
i am afraid of caring too little.
i am afraid of pain.
i am afraid

i am afraid of fear.

i am afraid of fear,
it is debilitating, it controls me with long fingers whose grip is frozen to my puppet strings.
It laughs in quiet delight as i dance across the stage of hardwood floors that blister my feet.
My lungs heave, yearning for uninfluenced air.
My stomach clenches in an uncomfortable cage that chick flicks and warm blankets and hugs can't stop my heart from remembering.
It's shriveled form crouches in corners and stares unblinkingly into wide eyes and behind shut eyelids.
fear does not find you, you find it.
For fear is a combination of paranoid thoughts, thoughts that may or may not be well founded, and slowly rise in strength as you so choose to build it.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015


Once upon a time a little girl built a house, because she wanted a home for all the things that no one wants within themselves. She skipped about making sure that everything was just right. She made a beautiful bed for sorrow to sleep in, a rocking chair for hurt to sit in, a table for stress to eat at, pillows for anger to scream in, a window for broken heart to look through, a mirror for pride to hold, stuffed animals for fear to hug, and a crown for insecurity to wear. She felt sure that this would make everything better.

Like ducklings behind their mother, they followed her to the house. But when they got there she realized something she had previously overlooked, there was no door.


i am ntyping this with my nossssee

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Puffy Tears.

I cried red, splotchy, puffy tears.
I cried until it sounded like I was hyperventilating.
I cried because of everything, everything that turned into an angry, vengeful something.
I couldn't stop crying and the more tears that escaped my stubborn heart,
the more I wanted to let them go.

Go! Leave! Heal the cracks and burns and bruises with salty release!
Quit burning my throat and boiling in my stomach!
Set. Me. Free.

It hurts, but now it hurts less.
The sniffles slow, and my tears dry.
I take my head from your shoulder and just, breathe.