Second, you must put a lot of thought into the name given them, perhaps name them after ex's or long dead ancestors.
Third, ponder on the style of clothes your cat may wear, also considering what color would most compliment their fur and eye hues.
Fourth, toys are encouraged.
Fifth, your cat will claim a spot in every room of your house so you must provide a bed or other things for them to have in that spot.
Sixth, be aware that cats often shed. You must collect this fur and put it in a safe place, in a plastic bag for example.
Seventh, the reason for step six is so that you may put it in your "kitty scrap book" this will be a bonding tool for when your kitten reaches it's teens.
Eighth, come up with multiple nick-names for your cat such as, my precious, goddess divine, my pearl, fluffy face, baby, sweet girl, big boy, little boy cat, etc.
Ninth, make all of the rooms in your house cat themed and buy whatever cheep cat decorative things that can be found on amazon.
Tenth, talk only of cats.
Eleventh, give your cats a face book page and post every day.
Twelfth, get a job as a cat sitter.
Thirteenth, buy your cats a stroller so that you can take walks in the park.
Fourteenth, remember to buy one more cat after completing each of the previous steps.
And finally, Paws for dramatic effect, in your will you must leave all your worldly possessions to your cats.