Why is it that when we do something beautiful, our spirits soar until someone else does another equally but differently beautiful thing, and we plummet back to earth? Why is it that in order to shine we must shine alone? Where in history did humanity adopt this poisonous view of accomplishment? I am appalled! How dare the individual think themselves less than the wondrous child of The Almighty they have always been? How dare they say "I can't" over and over huddled in the company of societies commonplace insecurities?
Worst of all, I find myself continually folded over, weighed down by insecurities made by my own hands. My knees buckle under the pressure I don't know how to defeat. But the ever present fire burns brighter within me and through the mist of too little, too hard, and not enough I shake off what was and scream I AM beautiful, I AM strong, and I AM MORE THAN ENOUGH! Heaving breaths of relief in the silence, truth glows behind my echoing words.
Why is it that in order to shine we must shine alone?" -Amazing